What is an interview?
Basically, an interview is a conservation between two people ( the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee.
The term interview has been derived from the French word 'entre voir' that means ' to glimpse' or ' to see each other'. Interview is a face to face interaction between two persons for a particular purpose , that is for employees selection, for placement , appraisal and counselling band problem solving.It means a meeting for obtaining information by questioning a person or persons.
Defination of Interview
According to The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
" An interview is a conservation between two or more people ( the interviewer and the interviewee ) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee".
" A formal meeting in person , especially one arranged for the assessment of the qualifications of an applicant".
" A private meeting between people where questions are asked and answered about somebody's life, opinions etc."
Essential features of Interview
1 .There are at least two participants in the event - an interviewer and the interview ee . But in common practice , there is one interviewee facing more than one interviewer.
2.All interviews are prearranged. The only possible exception is the dismissal interview.
3. The purpose of interview is known both to the interviewer and the interviewee.
4.Both the parties need to prepare for the communication event.
5. There is clear exchange of information.The information exchanged may or may not be kept secret .
Purpose of the interview.
The following are the major purpose of interviews.
Interview helps to select a right person for a right job.
2. Permotion
For assuming capabilities required for higher position , interview is the most tool.
3 performance appraisal
With the help of interview performance is appraisal . Feedback regarding performance may be communicated through interviews.
Interview help individuals to develop themselves through counseling .
Different types of interviews
Employment / job interview
The purpose of typical employment interview is to evaluate an interviewer who is applying for a post in the organisation.
The applicant may be outsider who have applied for a post in the organisation and thinking is to joining it.In these interviews ,the interviewer attempts to learn about the applicant's educational qualifications, his past experience ,his personal goal,his knowledge and his achievements in similar type of work.The applicant has also a purpose.His purpose is to evaluate the position of the organization .
Promotion Interview
Promotion Interview is also known as an
internal interview o promotion meeting occurs when you are an in house applicant for a higher position or a different positions with your organization.Many organization prefer to hire internal Candidate because they already know the company's mission, expectations, goals and processes.
Orientation Interview
The purpose of orientation Interview is to acquaint the new employee with his job and with his organization.It shows the positive relationships between the employee and the employee .An orientation Interview is also beneficial to job candidates Allowing them to asking orientation questions to see if the job is worth pursuing further.
Reprimand Interview
A reprimand is a form of disciplinary action likely to be presented by the employee.
A reprimand Interview has the following purpose.
1.To improve the work performance.
2.To prevant the recurrence of such offences.
3.To protect other employees from the malaise of anti organizational behaviour.
Appraisal Interview
A appraisal Interview is A face to face confidential talk is an opportunity for both .the employee and the supervisor to discuss several issue.The focus of the career development of the employee , shortcomings ,areas ,which need to be improvement, training needs ,job enrichment and opportunities for promotion,etc.
Grievance Interview
Grievance Interview are a formal opportunity for individual employee to provide management with their conflict about a company policy ,producer, practice or a person.the interview is less formal at the preliminary stages and most grievance are resolved at the time of the interview.
Stress interview
Stress interview might involve testing an applicant behaviour in a busy environment. Questions about handling work overloaded ,dealing with multiple projects ,and handling conflict are typical.
Problem interview
A problem interview is a meeting with a problem employee.An employee whose performance or behaviour is unsatisfied in spite of warming represent a problem . An interview is more likely to suggest a solution then warming and notice.Recruiter needs to learn how you resolve difficult or challenging issues.
Group Interview
A group interview have several job candidates are interviewed at once .The interviewer may also be trying to find out if you are a team player. Acting like a leader of you are not one may put you into a job for which you are not appropriate. A group interview sometime known as a panel interview.
Walk In interview
When a company is urgently in need of employees it may conduct walk an interview. The applicant have to come and attend the interview in big towns at a very short notice.
Mock Interview
Mock Interview is very popular in coaching schools and business schools .After appearing for the final interview business school may prepare their students on how to face the real interview during the visit of the companies in the campus.
Telephone Interview
Telephone Interview is a data collection method when the interviewer communicates with the resposdent on the telephone in accordance with the prepared questionnaire It also takes place if a job applicant is a significant distance away from the premises of the hiring company such as abroad or in another state.
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